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Early Cancer Institute


The Early Cancer Institute is based at the heart of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus and its scientists focus on a wide variety of early cancer research across multiple disciplines. Find out more about our group leaders:

Director, Prof Rebecca Fitzgerald OBE FMedSci FRS HonFREng

Rebecca became the inaugural director of the Early Cancer Institute at the University of Cambridge in 2022. After training in Cambridge, Stanford University, St Barts and the London Hospitals, she started her own group focussing on earlier detection of oesophageal and gastric cancer which have some of the poorest outcomes of all solid tumours.

Her pioneering work to devise a first-in-class, non-endoscopic capsule sponge test for identifying individuals at high risk for oesophageal cancer has won numerous prizes, including the Westminster Medal, and this test is now being rolled out in the NHS and beyond by her spin-out Cyted Ltd. Rebecca is passionate to bring translational science and entrepreneurship to the Early Cancer Institute so that we can fulfil our vision to predict and prevent cancer.

Prof Jamie Blundell

Dr Mireia Crispin

Dr Harveer Dev

Dr Massimiliano di Pietro

Dr Alex Frankell

Dr Danielle Harper


Dr Matt Hoare

Dr Siddhartha Kar

Dr Tom Mitchell

Dr Daniel Muñoz Espín

Prof Serena Nik Zainal

Dr Caroline Watson