The Early Cancer Institute is keen to support early career researchers wishing to apply for fellowships that will help establish them as independent researchers.
We may be able to sponsor a small number of researchers interested in applying for fellowships who would like to name the Early Cancer Institute as their host.
We welcome applications from potential career development fellows whose work is related to one or more of the aims of the Institute (risk prediction, detection, interception).
We will provide the space and facilities; however, your funding will need to be provided by external funding bodies, who have different application deadlines. Some examples of potential fellowships / funding sources are:
CRUK Career Development Fellowship
CRUK Advanced Clinician Scientist Fellowship
Royal Society Faraday Discovery Fellowships
UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship
We review hosting applications and decisions will be made dependent on space, availability and compatibility with our research. A Fellowship hosting will not automatically lead to a post following the end of your Fellowship.
Host Application Process:
- Identify which career development fellowships you would like to apply for and note their deadlines for application.
- You are encouraged to talk with our Director and Group Leaders to discuss the compatibility of your research with the Early Cancer Institute
- Email to indicate your interest in applying. Please include a short summary of your current and future research plans (no more than three pages) and your CV.
- You must contact us at least six weeks in advance of the funding deadline as applications will need to be approved by the University of Cambridge Research Operations Office.
- When we review your application, you might be invited to give a talk and meet some of the Group Leaders at the Institute before a decision can be made about whether we can be a host institute for your Fellowship.