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Early Cancer Institute


The Early Cancer Institute Steering Committee consists of academics from within Cambridge University whose research encompasses early cancer detection and a patient representative. The Steering Committee meets tri-annually, and their role is to maintain an overview of the Institute and the Cambridge ACED Member Centre. They provide advice and support to ensure delivery of agreed outcomes.

Current Steering Committee members

Professor Antonis Antoniou, Cancer risk prediction Bridget Bannerman, ACED Cambridge Programme Manager Karen Barker, CRUK Cambridge Centre Science Operations Manager

Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald, OBE FMedSci FRS HonFREng
Early detection and treatment of gastro-oesophageal cancers

Professor Ljiljana Fruk, Molecular and nano engineering for biomedical applications

Dr Veronica Martinez-Hernandez, Department of Engineering
Dr Tom Mitchell, Early Cancer Institute Group Leader representative
Professor Robert Rintoul,
Respiratory consultant, Royal Papworth Hospital and Reader in Thoracic Oncology
Professor Marc Tischkowitz, Professor and Honorary Consultant in Medical Genetics
Professor George Vassiliou,
Early detection and treatment of haematological cancers