The Early Cancer Institute is comprised of a number of research groups, based at the heart of the Cambridge Biomedical Campus, supported by a team of Professional and Technical Services staff who deal with many of the day-to-day operations.
The Institute also encompasses the existing wider network of affiliates from multiple disciplines across the University and continues to benefit from the governance of an internal Steering Committee and an engaged and eminent external Scientific Advisory Board.
Research Group Leaders
Our group leaders focus on a wide variety of early cancer research across multiple disciplines, and include a number of clinician scientists.
Group Leaders >
Leadership and Governance
The Early Cancer Institute is directed by Professor Fitzgerald, and is part of the University of Cambridge Department of Oncology, in the School of Clinical Medicine. The Institute benefits from the guidance of a Steering Committee and an external Scientific Advisory Board:
Leadership and Governance >
Scientific Advisory Board >
Steering Committee >
Early Cancer Institute Affiliates
The Early Cancer Institute Affiliate programme provides an opportunity for us to cement ties with fellow Institutes and Departments in order to build scientific collaboration and exchange ideas.
Early Cancer Institute Affiliates >
Core Staff
Our world-leading early cancer researchers are ably supported by a small team of Professional and Technical Services staff who deal with many of the day-to-day operations.
Core Staff >
ACED Clinical Research Team
The ACED Clinic Cambridge provides world-leading resources and facilities for members of the International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection (ACED) to conduct first-in-human clinical trials of new approaches to early cancer detection.
ACED Clinical Research Team >