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Early Cancer Institute

Nik-Zainal lab celebrates its 10th year anniversary

The Nik-Zainal group celebrated its 10th year anniversary with a Scientific Symposium on 5th December 2024 at the Clifford Allbutt Lecture Theatre on the Cambridge Biomedical Research Campus.

Current lab members and alumnus including those that have remained in academia, moved to industry, or are working in the NHS, presented their past as well as on-going work.

The morning session covered computational and clinical advances using whole genome sequencing (WGS) data, which was concluded by a short talk from the first patient in the UK to receive immunotherapy guided by his cancer WGS report.

The afternoon session included advances learned through experimental modelling of mutational signatures, intriguing incidental findings from working with these experimental systems, and the day concluded with a session on 'seeing' and 'hearing' mutagenesis.

The symposium was attended by students, academics from across East Anglia, clinicians, and members of the public. The team celebrated in the evening with a party and jam session, and look forward to another ten years of exciting activities!