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Early Cancer Institute

A PhD student carries out research in the lab

The Early Cancer Institute is currently looking for two students to commence PhD studentships in October 2025, joining our vibrant and collaborative research centre dedicated to the early detection of cancer.

The studentships are funded for 3.5 years and are available thanks to the generous support of the Michael Cowan Foundation. They provide a maintenance stipend of £21,500 per annum, tuition fees at the UK rate, £1225 for personal development and overseas travel and £5000 for research consumables every year.

There are three PhD projects available:

  • Modelling progression risks in Barrett's oesophagus - with Profs Rebecca Fitzgerald and Nora Pashayan.
  • Understanding the optical signature of cancerous tissues - with Dr Danielle Harper.
  • Understanding the role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in the progression of clonal haematopoiesis to blood cancer (MDS+/-AML) - with Dr Caroline Watson.

We are looking for highly motivated and enthusiastic individuals capable of thinking and working independently. The application deadline is 16 February. For more information please visit our Jobs/Opportunities page: Early Cancer Institute non-clinical PhD studentships 2025

The Cowan Foundation already provides funding for two PhD students who started in 2024; Katie Honan (Frankell Group) and Zuzanna Krause (Watson Group).

During a visit from the trustees in October 2024, Katie commented that "It was wonderful to meet trustees so early in my PhD. It was great to explain my goals to them, and of course to thank them and the Micheal Cowan Foundation for generously funding my studies. I hope to be able to see them again when I am a little further on in my research to give them an update!"