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Early Cancer Institute

SRUK/CERU Ageing and Diseases Conference

Date: Friday 9th June 2023
Time: 13:30-18:00 followed by barbecue
Venue: Robinson College, Grange Rd, Cambridge CB3 9AN

Click here to register

The average life expectancy in the UK could reach 86 by the year 2050. Ageing is an important risk factor for various diseases, including cancer and degenerative diseases. That is why it is essential to investigate the ageing processes to prevent these diseases and improve the quality of life of older people.

In view of the growing interest generated in Cambridge for the research field described here, the SRUK/CERU Cancer Committee and the SRUK/CERU Midlands constituency is organising this free Conference on 9th June in Cambridge, covering topics on both ageing and cellular senescence as well as diseases associated with these processes.

Additionally, we would like to invite all scientists working on ageing, regeneration, senescence, and associated diseases to speak about their research and learn firsthand about the latest advances in this field.

The call for abstracts for short talks is now open for postdocs and predocs. Membership is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended in order to access the benefits of SRUK/CERU membership (eg. microgrants).

Deadline 28th May or until all the spaces are taken. So we recommend registering sooner rather than later!

The event will finish with a networking and social BBQ for all the attendees.

If you are a SRUK/CERU member, you can also apply for a microgrant to cover part of your travel expenses (application through the Member Zone). If you wish to become a member, you can sign up here as well.

Friday, 9 June, 2023 - 13:30 to 18:00