Date: Tuesday 23rd April 2024, 12.30 - 2.00pm
Venue: Early Cancer Institute, Adrian Way, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge, CB2 0XZ
Register: https://eci-seminar-nora-pashayan.eventbrite.co.uk
On Tuesday 23rd April we welcome Nora Pashayan, Professor of the Epidemiology of Ageing, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, to give a talk: 'Could risk stratification improve breast cancer screening?'
This event will take place in the Early Cancer Institute. Lunch is provided from 12.30pm, the talk will begin at 1pm followed by a Q&A. Please ensure you arrive promptly.
Speaker Biography:
Nora Pashayan is a Professor of the Epidemiology of Ageing and honorary Consultant in Public Health Medicine at the University of Cambridge. She is a cancer epidemiologist, a clinician with specialties in both Family Medicine and Public Health Medicine, and the Director of Training for the International Alliance for Cancer Early Detection.
Until recently, she held the position of Professor of Applied Cancer Research and Head of the Department of Applied Health Research at the University College London. Her primary research field is risk-stratified cancer screening, from understanding disease course, evaluating screening strategies, to implementation of novel screening strategies.